The Lord’s Supper: Save It From COVID-19

[340 words] One of the most disruptive things to me about COVID-19 has been the Lord’s Supper. For more than forty years, I’ve had a structured meditation for the Lord’s Supper. There are reflections while I’m eating the bread and another series of thoughts for the fruit of the vine.  During the year, we’ve visited…

How Often Do I Really Have to Go?

[160 words] In this unusual time of a pandemic due to the COVID virus, of course we seek to be compassionate, flexible, and understanding. We must do our best to take care of each other (Matt. 7:12; Phil. 2:4). That being said, how much is “enough” when it comes to assembling with the saints? At…

A Life Without Disease

[195 words] At the time of this writing, I just got the news that another relative of mine has left this life due to Covid-19. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up tomorrow and read this headline? “Covid-19 Now Cured!” But despite the great gains medical science has made, disease and death is still a…

Two Battlefronts

[581 words] A Christian friend from a third world country told me, “America is in a war.” That war is inside our land. It is a moral and spiritual conflict. We have been saying this for years, and we sense it now more than ever. To hear someone who was raised in such a different…

A Year of Learning

[235 words] Twelve months ago, our nation and community literally came to a screeching halt due the Coronavirus worldwide pandemic. I think we would all agree, the past twelve months has been a learning experience! When I analyze a situation, I always ask three questions: First, where have we been? Second, where are we? Third,…

An Unchanging God in a Constantly Changing World

[521 words] None of us foresaw the changes that 2020 would bring when we welcomed in the new year. None of us would have ever thought that churches would close their doors for a time, that neighborhood stores and restaurants would go out of business, that professional sports would be cancelled, or that laws would…

In Times of Trouble

[404 words] The days seem filled with trouble. Job said, “Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble” (Job 14:1). We have seen COVID-19 take the lives and good health away from loved ones and friends. Many homes and much property were destroyed by wildfires. We have seen…

The Best is Yet to Come!

[259 words] We know we need some good news. In fact, we need as much good news as we can get! With 2020 behind us, we are desperate now to be told that something good, something better and brighter is on the way. Well…it is! “But the path of the righteous is like the light…

Teach Your Children Well

[437 words] Last March when the pandemic reached our country, churches were instructed to limit gatherings to no more than 10 individuals. At the time, I was concerned that perhaps our government had overstepped their authority. My father-in-law and I had several conversations at that time discussing how this was all going to play out…

United Again

[566 words] Ten months. That’s how long Dr. Anne Hampton was unable to see her father, Chris, age 87, face-to-face. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, The Steppes care home in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, England where Chris resides, went on lockdown in March, 2020. Since then, Dr. Hampton has only been able to see her father through…

Perils in Church Buildings?

[533 words] I was touring one of the oldest log church buildings in America when I noticed holes in the walls. “What are these holes?” I asked. A guide explained that they were drilled so men could put their rifles through the holes to shoot at indians if they attacked while the church was meeting.…

Thinking About a New Way of Thinking

[427 words] The past two months have drastically changed our thinking. If you don’t think so, go into a public place and start coughing and see the reactions (on second thought, don’t do that). There will always be a “BC” (before COVID) means of thinking, and there will now be an “AD” (after distancing) thinking.…

I’ll Just Worship At Home

[468 words] Faithful Christians have a strong desire to attend worship services. To worship God is a commandment, but it is also a high, exalted privilege. Wonderful things happen during worship. God’s people teach and admonish one another (Colossians 3:16). We reflect on the death of our Lord (Luke 22:19). God is praised and adored…

What I Have Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic

[494 words] Covid-19 is like sin. Covid-19 has quickly spread around the globe, and although not everyone gets this virus dies, it has caused many deaths and has disrupted many lives. It reminds me a lot of sin, yet sin is far more dangerous. Rom. 3:23 states, “for all have sinned and fall short of…

Good Medicine

[296 words] Do you want good medicine during this time when we are hearing negative things – especially about the coronavirus and its spread throughout the U.S.? Right now, many people are having trouble – not with the disease – but with the effect it is having on our nation. Jobs are being lost, retirement…

Christ Over Conspiracy

[267 words] When tragedies and disasters occur—like our present pandemic—conspiracies abound. The temptation to believe them is strong because they make sense of an otherwise senseless event. They grant us the power to place blame at the feet of someone, rather than remain a victim of confusion. They provide comfort in the calamity by legitimizing…

Let’s Read the Writing on the Wall

[303 words] In Daniel chapter 5, we read about how a man was stripped of his blessings. The man’s name was Belshazzar, one of the rulers of ancient Babylon. This fellow was rich and powerful. As is often the case with those born rich, he was arrogant and irreligious. One night, Belshazzar was partying and…

What Will We Tell Our Kids?

[392 words] Someday we are going to tell our children and grandchildren about 2020. We will tell them about this virus and all of these weird changes that we had to make. We will talk about social distancing and how big corporations turned over their production to provide essential medical equipment. Maybe we will end…

Shelter in Place

[398 words] “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many Americans have been told to stay home.  That means do not go to work, do not go to school, do not leave the house at all unless…

Dealing With Chickens

[314 words] I loved visiting my Aunt Maureen and my  Uncle Tolle Chapman in Nobob, KY when I was a little boy. They always had chickens in their backyard! I would spend hours watching the chickens peck the ground and interact in their little space. My aunt Margaret lived just up the road. She too,…

Quarantine is a Biblical Practice

[335 words] Peter’s first letter addressed the difficulties the church was facing in the first century A.D. Today, we are facing a pandemic unlike anyone has ever seen in our generation. To the faithful, the hardest thing is having to self-isolate away from our friends at the Lord’s church. We do this so we won’t…

Finding Some Normalcy

[300 words] The other day I talked about my work life during “limited shelter in place.” That reflects part of my strategy for dealing with all of this craziness: find ways to create normalcy. I have found times when I found myself stressed without really knowing why. That made me realize how disorienting a loss…

Lockdown Lament

[60 words] Alone and then, lonely – two different words,So alike and yet standing apart;One speaks of location, of not “being there,”The other, of bruising the heart. We may be at distance while we are confined,Unable to share the same space;Though love remains still and our hearts remain joined,How we ache for that sweet face…

The Power of Hope

[408 words] Have you been struggling with some feelings of hopelessness lately? Whenever we have a hard time seeing the end in sight or we face uncertainty or are exposed to fears and anxieties, it can undermine our determination to have hope. Yet, over a hundred times in Scripture, God points us to the hope…

‘Do Not Be Afraid, Little Flock’

[209 words] In Luke 12, we read how Jesus told his followers “do not worry.” He said, don’t worry about getting the necessities of life or even how long you will live. He then pointed to world of unbelievers and said: “they worry about these things.” But you should seek God’s kingdom and He’ll take…

Are Monsters Due in Abilene?

[306 words] An episode of the classic TV show Twilight Zone was called “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.” In this episode, the power goes out in a neighborhood. Someone suggests the possibility that this is the work of aliens and that one family is in cahoots with the invaders. Later power is restored…

Yes, It’s a Pandemic

[395 words] Uncontrolled disease can be horrific. With the current worries about the spread of a new coronavirus dubbed “COVID-19,” we have heard the terms “epidemic” and “pandemic” tossed around quite a bit. An epidemic occurs when a disease affects a greater number of people than is usual for an area, and a pandemic is…