The Highjacking of Our Language

[310 words] Over the years, many great phrases and hand gestures have been adopted by anti-Christian people as terms of derision and hate. The most recent has been a gesture I’ve used all my life: the “OK hand gesture.” It’s a simple gesture, you make an “O” with the forefinger and the thumb and the…

Vending Machine Religion

[339 words] Sitting in an automobile repair shop, I was recently confronted with one of the biggest opponents to health—the vending machine. As a young boy, like a magnet I was drawn to the bright lights and the colorful display of pure sweetness found within every wrapper. The thrill of putting money in and selecting…

I Met a Man and He Said…

[412 words] Recently I talked with a young man who said he wanted to ask me some questions. I am always pleased to deal with any questions people may have, especially questions that have to do with the soul. This young man asked me: 1. “Don’t you believe that God is concerned more with what…

The Truth Shall Set You Free

[231 words] Have you ever heard of postmodernism? Many sociologists and philosophers speak of America today as a “postmodern” society. By that they mean we as a people have more or less rejected the concept that there is such a thing as absolute, objective, “capital-T “ Truth. There was a time when most Americans believed…

Do These Verses Apply?

[554 words] People find ways to get around verses that condemn them. Two groups with different agendas use the same maneuvers to reject passages that are against them. One is the homosexual movement and the other is the feminist movement. Here are some of their arguments . “I’ll Take Jesus Over Paul.” President Barack Obama…