Boat Potatoes

“So Peter got out of the boat, and started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus.” (Matt. 14:29) Wow, what a walk! What courage it must have taken to get out of the boat? Peter chose to get out of the boat. He did not ask for a promise from the Lord to keep him from sinking. He asked, “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Peter did not ask for a guarantee, but for an opportunity to get out of the boat and be with Jesus. I wish I were more like Peter. Too often I find myself wanting to play it safe and stay in the boat with my floaties, life jacket and oars.

Have you ever wondered what the other disciples were doing or thinking during Peter’s adventuresome walk. “Peter, are you crazy?” “You hot dog!” “Way to go Peter.” Who knows what their responses were and it really doesn’t matter. One thing we know for sure, they stayed in the boat. They chose not to get out of the boat and missed a walk of a lifetime.

I don’t know about you, but as I start the second half of my service to the Lord, I want to get out of the boat more. I want to be where my Lord is, and go where he is going. Yes, there is a cost for getting out of the boat. We can get hit with the wind and rough waters of life, and maybe sink to an all time low. But maybe, just maybe, we can take Jesus at his word and get out of the boat.

Let’s chose today to get out of the boat. I’m tired of being a “boat potato.” Remember, Jesus told all the disciples, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid,” only one got out of the boat. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting out of the boat!

Len Shelby (Jan.. 2005)
Marshall, TX

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