16 Things That Cannot be Done

It is helpful to know our boundaries, so that we do not spend our efforts in attempting things that cannot be accomplished. 1. God’s eternal purpose cannot be overthrown (Acts 5:39). 2. One cannot bear good fruit without Christ (John 15:5). 3. No person can keep his sins hidden forever (1 Timothy 5:24). 4. No person can live after the flesh and please God (Romans 8:8). 5. A person cannot love God and not love his brother in Christ (1 John 4:20). 6. A person cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). 7. No one can take anything out of this world (1 Timothy 6:7). 8. After dying, one cannot be saved (Luke 16:26). 9. One cannot make God a liar (Romans 3:4). 10. One cannot enter into Heaven by any other door but Christ (John 10:1-9). 11. One cannot enter in after the door is closed (Luke 13:25-27). 12. One…

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