It is helpful to know our boundaries, so that we do not spend our efforts in attempting things that cannot be accomplished. 1. God’s eternal purpose cannot be overthrown (Acts 5:39). 2. One cannot bear good fruit without Christ (John 15:5). 3. No person can keep his sins hidden forever (1 Timothy 5:24). 4. No person can live after the flesh and please God (Romans 8:8). 5. A person cannot love God and not love his brother in Christ (1 John 4:20). 6. A person cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). 7. No one can take anything out of this world (1 Timothy 6:7). 8. After dying, one cannot be saved (Luke 16:26). 9. One cannot make God a liar (Romans 3:4). 10. One cannot enter into Heaven by any other door but Christ (John 10:1-9). 11. One cannot enter in after the door is closed (Luke 13:25-27). 12. One…