[392 words] The latest “Hollywood buzz” has been for the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey,” the film version of the pornographic novel series of the same name. Despite its upcoming “Valentine’s Day” release, “Fifty Shades of Grey” is anything but a tender romance. The story depicts graphic and perverted immorality, and the male lead is a controlling stalker-type who enjoys predator/prey relationships. Many “God-fearing” American women devoured these books and discussed it publicly with a wink and a nudge. Now that the film version is being released, Christians (both male and female) will have to decide whether or not to participate. You can read an online review if you wish to know the details of the movie. However, based on the well-known facts of the film’s content, here are three ways Christians would be betraying the Lord if they go to see this movie: Betraying God’s Design for Marriage and Intercourse….
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