[263 words] It has often been noted that the resurrection of Jesus had a life-altering effect upon the apostles and other disciples. Jesus had predicted that His arrest and subsequent death would cause the disciples to desert Him (Matt. 26:31) and they would be overcome with sorrow (John 16:20). They do indeed scatter—they “left Him and fled” (Matt. 26:56). They were hiding behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leadership that had seen to the death of Jesus (John 20:19). But then something changed. Those who had scattered and once sought safety behind closed doors suddenly became undefeatable. They became world beaters. They were ready to tell anyone and everyone about this Jesus who had conquered death and cleared a path to the presence of the Father. The cowards became champions! They now realized that everything Jesus had ever said was true. They now understood that His resurrection from the dead meant that they didn’t…