Twice in the revelation given to him, John is reminded to “worship God” (Rev. 19:10; 22:9). Too many Christians focus more on self than on God in worship. We should never depart from the true purpose of our worship: honoring God. Take a look at the prescribed elements of worship and note how they all are to involve giving God glory. • When we participate in SINGING, we are praising God. God desires that we sing to Him with melody in our hearts (Eph. 5:19). And we should greatly desire to praise Him, for He is our Maker. • When we join in PRAYER, we are making our requests to God. God desires that we pray to him with holy hands (1 Tim. 2:8). And we should greatly desire to make requests to Him, for He is our Heavenly Father. • When we partake of the LORD’S SUPPER, we commune with…