Worship God

Twice in the revelation given to him, John is reminded to “worship God” (Rev. 19:10; 22:9). Too many Christians focus more on self than on God in worship. We should never depart from the true purpose of our worship: honoring God. Take a look at the prescribed elements of worship and note how they all are to involve giving God glory.

• When we participate in SINGING, we are praising God. God desires that we sing to Him with melody in our hearts (Eph. 5:19). And we should greatly desire to praise Him, for He is our Maker.

• When we join in PRAYER, we are making our requests to God. God desires that we pray to him with holy hands (1 Tim. 2:8). And we should greatly desire to make requests to Him, for He is our Heavenly Father.

• When we partake of the LORD’S SUPPER, we commune with God. God desires that we do this remembering the great sacrifice of His Son on our behalf (1 Cor. 11:23-26). And we should greatly desire to commune with Him, for He is our Savior.

• When we add to the CONTRIBUTION, we are giving to God and His work. God desires that we do so with spiritual purpose and joy (2 Cor. 9:7). And we should greatly desire to give to Him, for He is our Sustainer.

• When we listen to the PREACHING, we are hearing God’s holy word. God desires that we listen with great respect and heed with our hearts (2 Pet. 1:19-21). And we should greatly desire to follow God’s word, for He is our Guide.

When we recognize just who and what God is, we will desire to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Our attitude as we depart from our gathering together should not so much be “That was a great worship” as is should be “We worship a great God!” Let’s keep the focus where it belongs. Worship God!

Edd Sterchi
Broadway church of Christ
Campbellsville, KY

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