Thanksgiving is, in the eyes of some, esteemed as the greatest of holidays. When one thinks about the idea of thanksgiving, it is easy to appreciate the holiday as some do — being the greatest of holidays. Those who are truly thankful, however, are those who were once dead, but are now alive. The Lord spoke to the Jews and said that the hour was coming in which the dead would hear His voice and live (John 5:25). The Lord was not referring to the second coming, for that He does in John 5:28-29. The Lord referred to those who heard His voice (orally, and through the written word) and responded to His holy will. They were dead in sin, but applying the truth of God’s word to their individual lives, they are now alive spiritually (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:17). Those who live, but were once dead, were dead in sin ( Ephesians 2:1-10), but now are alive in Christ. This is a time for Thanksgiving.
Ron Thomas
Poplar Bluff, MO