The NT church is unique in that her name depicts the intended purpose of its members. The Bible teaches God intended to save those who are added to the church (Acts 2:47). When God adds the saved to the church they make a commitment to do God’s work on the earth. Let us see how the Bible describes God’s church. It is the CHURCH. Notice Mt 16:18 Jesus said “I will build my church.” Church is the called out, the assembly of God people. Called out of the world into God’s church. The church is also the KINGDOM. Note again Mt 16:18,19. Jesus uses the terms church and kingdom interchangeably. Notice also Lk 22:17-30; 1Co 11:20-24. We being part of the kingdom submit to the rulership of our King Jesus (Ep 1:22) The church is GOD’S BUILDING. Each person in the church is a living stone in God’s spiritual house…