[260 words] We must not despise “the day of small things” (Zech 4: 10). The flame emerging from a match when it is struck is little, but “behold, how much wood is kindled by how small a fire!” (James 3:5). “A cup of cold water only” is a small gift, but Jesus promised that the donor “shall not lose his reward” (Matt 10:42). A church member noticed in the bulletin the name of someone who had place membership. She obtained a “welcome” card and mailed it to the newcomer. A small thing—or was it small? “Greet the friends by name” (3 John 14). “Be tenderly affectionate to one another in brotherly love” (Romans 12:10). Someone drove a considerable distance out of the way to pick up a child who could not have come to Bible School alone. What was in the heart of that “someone”? How much is a child…