[259 words] Can you believe another year is in the books? Time marches relentlessly onward without asking for either our consent or approval. 2016 isn’t even cold yet and 2017 is already relentlessly marching forward. Nothing you and I can do will ever get that time back. With each passing day we creep closer towards time’s end. But, as always, with Jesus there is good news. • 2017 will bring with it days of defeat and success. • 2017 will bring with it both sadness and great joy. • 2017 will bring days of suffering balanced with days of healing. • 2017 will bring with it days of loss and others of enrichment. • For some 2017 will bring with it a day of finality. But there will not be a single day in 2017 that you will have to encounter alone! We have One who can lift us…