[159 words] THE GIFT OF PRAISE — Appropriate mention right in front of the other fellow, of superior qualities or of jobs and deeds well done. THE GIFT OF CONSIDERATION — Putting yourself in the other’s shoes, providing genuine understanding of his side of the case. THE GIFT OF CONCESSION — Humbly saying at just the right point, “I am sorry, you are right, and l am wrong.” THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE — Never forgetting to say “thank you,” and never failing to mean it. THE GIFT OF ATTENTION — When the other fellow speaks listen attentively. If directed to you personally, meet his eye squarely. THE GIFT OF INSPIRATION — Plant seeds of courage and action in the other person’s heart. THE GIFT OF PERSONAL PRESENCE — In sickness, in trouble, or in great joy, there is nothing quite equal to your personal expression of sympathy or congratulations. Resolve…