What Vision Is

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It is the ability to see what a thing could be. A carpenter, looking at a tree, sees with a trained eye much more than others can see. With his expert shaping, appropriate tools, and seasoned patience, he can make out of that tree what was once only in his mind. The Lord needs people, from the leadership down, who look at the community, each other, their income, and their abilities and see what could be done. It takes no effort, emotion, or education to say, “It can’t be done!” That’s What is expected. Vision sees what could be.

It is the ability to not obsess over what a thing has been. Due respect is owed to the labors of the past, and due recognition is owed both its successes and failures. The past, however glorious, will have ample samples of both. Yet, the people, plans, and programs of today and tomorrow should not be shackled and chained exclusively to what has been. Vision is not always settling for being “has beens.” “Will be” is what Paul seemed more focused in pursuing (Philippians 3:10-12). Biblical vision recognizes that doctrine cannot change, but methods, technology, tools and people invariable do. Vision asks how people living in the present time can best reach people living in the present time and prepare them for an endless eternity.

It is the ability to trust in what God can make it be. No plan would succeed without God’s hand in it. I love the prayers where brethren plead, “Help us in the things that are right and defeat us in the things that are wrong.” Among the Bible’s heroes are those who factor God into the plans and say, “We are well able” (Caleb, Numbers 13:30). “I can do all things” (Paul, Philippians 4:13), “There is nothing too hard.. .” (Jeremiah, Jeremiah 32:17), and “No good thing does He withhold” (the sons of Korah, Psalm 84:11). Our vision can be bold when “our” is God and us! Since God made the sky, the limit exceeds even that! Our giving, our ambitions, our goals, and our sights should be set to reflect our belief in that fact.

Where will we be this time next year? In five or ten years? Vision plays a role in that. Vision attempts to see the unseen, forget the past, and trust the one who holds past, present and future in His all-powerful hand. With those truths factored in, let us dream big dreams.

Neal Pollard
Denver, CO


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