10 Promises from the Book of Proverbs

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1. God gives healing to those who confess Him (3:6-8).
2. The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry (10:3).
3. The Lord protects those whose way is upright (10:29).
4. The Lord blesses the Godly giver with more (10:24).
5. When you are kind to the poor, the Lord repays our good deeds (19:17).
6. The Lord bestows life on the righteous (12:28).
7. The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous (15:29).
8. Deep respect for the Lord results in happiness (28:14).
9. The Lord gives us justice (29:26).
10. Commit your good works to God and your plans will prosper (16:3).

Larry Fitzgerald
Abilene, TX

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