A Judge’s Haunting Words

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I went to Sunday school when I was small and learned all about God. After I was married I decided to go again and take my children. I couldn’t persuade my husband to go, but the children and I went regularly for a year. Then I skipped a Sunday. And soon I skipped two or three. Then we went only on special days. Soon I joined a bowling team that competed on Sunday. I could go to church and Sunday school, but I would have to give up my bowling. Bowling won the battle.

Not long ago in a courtroom I heard a judge say, “Twenty years!” He was pronouncing sentence on my 21-year-old son — a punishment for a robbery which ended in the death of a man. The sentence might have been less, but my son took a sneering, defiant attitude all through the trial, ridiculing every officer and official in the courtroom.

But the crowning, shocking climax came when the judge sternly asked, “Young man, don’t you believe in God?”

My son laughed and said, “God? Who’s that?” Every person in the courtroom turned to look at me. If only I had those years to live over I would attend Sunday school and church faithfully and make sure my children attended as well.

via Palatka church of Christ
Corning, AR

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