[391 words] In the following article, Gary Puryear, talks about the thieves that were crucified with Jesus. We know that only two different men were crucified at the same time as Jesus was, but Gary discusses four different angles for us to consider. THE THIEF WHO REGRETTED (John 12:6). Oh the advantages Judas had! He had been selected by Jesus to be an apostle, was entrusted by his peers with the position of treasurer, and observed many of the Lord’s miracles (Matthew 11:5). It was this Judas who betrayed the Lord for money. His betrayal turned to regret [Matthew 27:3), but rather look forward to forgiveness, he only looked back and hanged himself. True repentance means more than feeling sorry for a wrong. It is the desire to change and do better (2nd Corinthians 7:10). THE THIEF WHO WAS REPLACED. It was customary to release a prisoner at the Passover….