You Can’t Have a Rainbow Without the Rain…or Can You?

You can’t have a rainbow without the rain is the old saying. But is it true? I guess it depends on where you’re at. If you’re talking about life on Earth, the saying definitely holds water.

Cloudy days and storms are the norm in mankind’s life (Job 14:1). Rich, poor, man, woman, young, old, red, yellow, black or white – no one is exempt from heartache, pain, disaster, disappointment or death. Physical conditions and resources may limit the detrimental experiences that we face, but no earthly condition in and of themselves exempts us from all the trials of life.

So the idea of not being able to have a rainbow without the rain reminds us that grief is inevitable, but grief can cause us to look at the blessings of life in a brighter way by reminding us that the storms don’t last forever. Sweet tastes much sweeter after a dose of something bitter!

But did you know the Bible promises a rainbow without the rain? You won’t find it on Earth though – only in Heaven, after we live faithfully through the rain that tries us (Rev. 2:10, 4:2-3).

Eugene Adkins
Keltonburg church of Christ
Smithville, TN

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