Time is a precious blessing not to be wasted. With each tick of the clock, the brief span of time we have in this world is passing. This is why Paul exhorts us to use our time wisely: “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). We should “number our days,” making the most of each moment, living life to the fullest (Psalm 90:12). Perhaps, nothing hinders a proper use of time more than the futile exercise of worry. To worry is to “to afflict with mental distress or agitation: make anxious” (Webster’s). Worry goes far beyond reasonable concern. To worry is to be anxious and fretful. Everyone, at some point, will have to deal with the temptation to worry. Many cares and concerns burden our minds. We may worry about our children, finances, health, marriage, and a thousand other things. But worrying wastes time and accomplishes nothing!…