Ananias and Sapphira lied to God about the price of the land they had sold. They died for their greed (Acts 5:1-11). King Ahab pouted like a baby when Naboth refused to sell him his vineyard, so Jezebel killed Naboth and gave the land to her husband. But this evil pair paid for their covetousness when they later became dog food (1 Kings 21:1-23). Judas Iscariot was a thief who stole from the money bag and betrayed the Lord for thirty pieces of silver (John 12:6; Matt. 26:15). In the end he regretted what he had done and hanged himself (Matt. 27:3-10). The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 lost his soul because he was too cheap to help a poor man near his property. Few things are as deceptive as money. Jesus warned that the “deceitfulness of riches” would cause some Christians to fall (Matt. 13:22). He said, “If thine…