[276 words] One of the most frequently asked questions to a preacher is, “Where has brother and sister so-and-so been lately?” This question is generally asked by a member who has noticed that another member has been missing services. It’s good that folks recognize when others are missing. It tells me they miss them. It reminds me a bit of what Jonathan told David, “thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty” (1 Sam. 20:18). It also tells me that they’re somewhat concerned for their spiritual well-being (cf. Heb. 10:24-25). I say “somewhat” because I sometimes wonder just how genuinely concerned these folks (myself included) really are. Allow me to explain. If members of our spiritual family have been absent from our assemblies for a few weeks, shouldn’t we, as concerned family members, be asking those absentees ourselves where they’ve been? I understand that elders and preachers…