[376 words] As I watched my television recently and saw people making accusations of racism and injustice, setting fire to police cars, breaking windows, and stealing from unprotected stores, one thought kept coming to mind: this country needs Jesus. If you have followed the Ferguson case at all, you probably have an opinion about it. So do I. But whether you think Michael Brown was murdered in cold blood, or whether you think Officer Darren Wilson used deadly force in defense of his own life, there is one underlying fact that cannot be ignored: The answer to whatever it is that ails this country is Jesus Christ. If the problem is racism, the answer is Jesus (Galatians 3:28). If the problem is injustice, the answer is Jesus (John 7:24). If the problem is murder, the answer is Jesus (Matt. 5:21-22). If the problem is looting, the answer is Jesus (Eph….