[481 words] “Oh my God!” Hardly a day goes by that we do not hear someone exclaim it. You hear it at work or school, at the bank or the supermarket, and sometimes even on the church parking lot. Television, no doubt, is the chief offender, with nearly every game show, soap opera, situation comedy, prime time drama, and movie using this phrase repeatedly. It has become a faddish and clever saying. It is used to register alarm, surprise, delight, dismay, sarcasm, and almost every kind of response. Probably some cannot imagine why. Why does, or should, this phrase grate so upon the ears of Christian people? We would do well to consider the faith and devotion manifested by men and women from long ago; several of these are singled out and presented as examples for Christians today (Heb. 11). They insisted on using reverence and humility while addressing Deity….

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