[484 words] There it was in the magazine rack amongst all the juicy titles: “9 Practices for Better…,” “12 Ways to Know your Man is…,” “The Scandal Comes to Light, Interview with …” This particular title stood in stark contrast to those around it. Printed above a picture of a large towering cross against a cloudy background was this title, “Jesus: 89 Inspiring Ways to Know Christ.” I was shocked to find any “religious” materials in the grocery store checkout lane. After my initial shock wore off, I began to wonder , “How are they getting 89?” I was hooked. I had to pick it up. I did not buy it. At $12.99, it hardly seemed like a worthy investment, but it warranted a thumbing through while the lady in front of me worked out her coupons. Printed in its propaganda was this statement, “This special edition magazine exalts Jesus…