[132 words] Lying at your side, perhaps, Or living right next door, Or working at the desk across The company’s polished floor; Seated next to you and riding On the city bus, Or walking in the city park And making nary a fuss; Hidden from view, a smarting hurt Behind the checker’s smile, Or a head in prayer, with anguished tears, Across the Sunday aisle – Go wherever you will, good saint, And there you’ll surely find The need for love, for faithful friends, For a word that’s true and kind. Near to you a needy soul Awaits and, silent, cries; Perhaps you only can console By piercing their fragile guise. The Lord took note of hurting folk, The ones the crowd ignored; When we, like Him, befriend the lost, Ours is a rich reward. J. Randal Matheny Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil via cloudburstpoetry.com…