[168 words] Two boys were put in I.S.S. (in school suspension). The one boy asked, “Whatcha in for?” “I got caught talking to Bill. You?” “I got caught talking to God.” Strange how talking to God can get one into trouble, especially when you consider all the benefits it affords. Martin Luther once said, “The less I pray, the harder it gets; the more I pray, the better it goes.” Once again, prayer has made it’s way into the spotlight this week–and I don’t mean in a good way. Seems like when people invoke God in a public way they’re often chastised and demeaned. It won’t be a surprise to many of us if one day we ‘re put in jail for praying at the dinner table of our favorite restaurant. I hope that we never stop talking to God, even if threatened with prison time. Because, ” …this is the…