Broken Toilets and Broken Souls

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It’s not an extremely rare occasion for a passenger jet to have to return to the airport due to a mechanical issue. However, when a Norwegian jet bound for Germany reversed course in late January of this year due to malfunctioning toilets, it was a backtrack filled with irony. The plane, you see, was carrying 85 plumbers.

With 85 certified plumbers on board, you might think someone could have fixed the broken toilet and allowed the plane to continue its journey. The problem was that the affected parts could only be accessed from outside the airplane. Though the men had the strength, knowledge, and power to fix the problem, they had no access to the heart of the error.

There is a far more powerful force in this world, one that can fix the broken inner parts of our souls, and that is the word of God. It has the power to save us (Romans 1:16), diagnose our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:12), and equip us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

The problem, as in the case of the airplane, is often one of access to the heart. God’s word is more than powerful enough to do the job, but we have to let it in! David said he had hidden God’s word in his heart so that he might not sin against God (Psalms 119:11). Will you resolve to read, study, and meditate upon God’s word, and allow it to mend all of your broken pieces today?

Matt Clifton

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