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[202 words] Dead Members: Their activities for the Lord have ceased. They no longer attend services, do not worship the Lord together with the saints, do not partake of the Lord ‘s Supper. Stopped studying the word of God. Do not give to further the Lord’s cause. They are in danger of being overcome again in the world and being lost eternally (2 Pet. 2:20-22). Lukewarm Members: Pride, worldly mindedness, concern for pleasures of this life. Riches take too much of their time and thinking, therefore are not fruitful unto God. They have not quit attending all the services, and still go through a formality of religious worship and activities. To the community they may appear religious, but to God they are sickening. He warns us that unless they repent He will “spew them out of his mouth” (Rev. 3:16). Dedicated Members: These are people striving to walk in the…

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