[291 words] The Christian life is all about peaks and valleys. When we are feeling good about our relationship with God and Jesus and something happens to re-enforce those spiritual feelings, we call that time “peak times” or “mountain top experiences.” When things don’t go right and we wonder if God is really listening to us (or if He really cares), those are the “valley experiences.” The prophet Jeremiah gave the Hebrew people a “Peaks and Valleys” lecture. Jeremiah witnessed the brutal takeover of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. by the Babylonians. The Hebrew people who survived the ransacking of their homes and property were taken into captivity and marched hundreds of miles from Jerusalem to Babylon. This was a real down time – a real valley time in their faith. And that’s where Jeremiah comes in with words of hope. He tells them (and us) God’s promise: “For surely I…