Another Act of Pure Evil

[357 words] The tragedy in the Floridian public school saddens the nation.  As we look on as Christians, we know the root of this evil act and that is Satan. Sin came into this world through his trickery and Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God. Since then, horrible disease, evil acts, death, etc., entered the world.  Blaming guns or bombs or other inanimate objects will not move us one inch towards a true solution. Until this nation decides to turn back to God, this type of behavior will only get worse.  We are living in a modern-day version of Judges that we read about in our Bible.  Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation, But, sin is a reproach to any people.”  Its still as true today as it was then. The other tragedy involved in this shooting–and this is the worst–the kids were high-school age.  You might say, “What difference does that…

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