Planting Time

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It has been a difficult winter with much snow and sub-freezing temperatures, but the warm windy days of spring are just a short time away. It will be “planting time” for farmers and those who have gardens. Some have already planted peas and lettuce seed. Onions and other vegetables will soon be going into the ground.

Jesus knew about planting and farming. He told a parable about a farmer (sower) who went out to sow seeds (Mark 4:3-20). In the parable not all the ground on which the seed fell was good soil. In fact, most of it didn’t produce anything. It wasn’t the sower’s fault nor the fault of the seed. The problem was with the “soil.”

In the parable the “seed” was the Word of God. God’s Word must be sown (preached/taught) to all who will hear. In some it will produce the desired fruit: Christians. Others will at first embrace the gospel and then drift away from the Lord. In still others the Word will have little effect.

Before He left for heaven, Jesus told His apostles to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all (Mark 16:15).

Today, we are the sowers of the seed. Some of our efforts will produce few if any results, but we must preach the gospel.

None of our efforts will be wasted. We are to sow the seed. The hearers will decide whether to be productive “soil,” stony or thorny ground, or the wayside (Mark 4:4-8).

John K. Wills
Owingsville church of Christ
Owingsville, KY

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