Church Names

[224 words] Have you ever paid much attention to the names on church signs that you drive past? Church names can be very interesting. Here are a few that I’ve heard about: First Church of the Last Chance World on Fire Revival and Military Academy (in Florida), Hell Hole Swamp Baptist Church (in South Carolina), First United Separated Baptist Church (in Indiana), Hell Seventh Day Adventist Church (in Hell, Michigan). The New Testament never actually gives a proper name for the church, but it has multiple designations by which the church is known. One of these designations is “churches of Christ” (Rom. 16:16). Church of Christ isn’t the name that a church must wear in order to be right with God, but it is a pretty good name. Consider a few things that makes it so appropriate: Jesus called the church “my church” (Matt. 16:18). Jesus is the builder of…

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