Are You Prepared–or Confused?

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Some years ago I knew a man who was always critical of preachers, the church and Christians. He was a man who had been what was once called a “rounder.” He had delved in the pleasures of the world most, if not all, of his life. But, alas, in his old age he became ill. No longer did he make crude jokes about preachers. No longer did he criticize the church or Christians. No longer was he a “rounder.” The man began to worry about his soul. He asked for the prayers of everyone he knew. He realized that he needed to do something, he just didn’t know what it was. He had never really listened when people talked about the Savior. Now it was all so confusing. Old and sick, the man would have given everything he had–which was much–to save his soul. Yet, he died never having obeyed the gospel of Christ, which is God’s power of salvation (Romans 1:16).

The Hebrew writer said, “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Like the man above, we will all go to the grave and then face the judgment. Are we prepared–or confused?

John K. Wills
Owingsville church of Christ
Owingsville, KY

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