What I Owe My Home Congregation

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My Loyalty: As long as the program is scriptural, I must help carry it on. My home congregation is depending on me and if I am not loyal, they will not be able to carry out their proposed programs.

My Dependability: I am depending on my home congregation for spiritual food and fellowship and even for material assistance if necessary. It is neither fair nor right for me to expect and accept these necessities if I cannot be depended upon to stand for and support the church as I am able.

My Presence: I need the lessons that are taught, the fellowship to be had, and the closeness to God that I feel when I bow my head with other children of God and pray to our Father. If it is right for me to be absent myself from the services, it is right for all to do so. If all did, there would be no services. Every time I deliberately miss a service, I vote to discontinue that service.

My Financial Support: The church’s job is to reach the lost. This requires money. As a member of the church, I am responsible for supporting it. But in a very special way, I am responsible for the support of my home congregation. When plans were made there for the year’s work, they were counting on my financial support to pay for the work planned. Therefore, if I miss, I should not forget my financial responsibilities.

Crossett church of Christ
Crossett, AR

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