[367 words] In Acts 21, Paul is returning to Jerusalem from his third missionary journey. On his way back, he runs into brethren at Tyre. Interestingly, we are not told how the church there got started. Since none of Paul’s other missionary journeys went that way, we must speculate. One strong likelihood is that there were some from Tyre (or the neighboring area) in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost when Peter preached that powerful gospel sermon and converted about 3,000 (cf. Acts 2:8-11). Regardless, we do know that Peter was directly responsible for the conversion of thousands of souls to Christ. Now, here’s the interesting part. Do you know how Peter came to Christ? It was due to a personal invitation from his brother Andrew. Hearing Jesus speak one day, Andrew just couldn’t keep it to himself and John 1:41 says that “He first found his own brother Simon,…