What If…


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“I can’t.” “I won’t.” “I don’t.” These are the words that keep people from reaching their potential. There’s no telling how different this world would be if people throughout the ages would not have lived up to their fullest potential.

Consider this: What if…Michelangelo said, “I don’t do ceilings.” David said, “I don’t do giants.” Michael Jordan said, “I don’t do basketball.” Neil Armstrong said, “I don’t do outer space.” George Washington said, “I don’t do revolutions.” Henry Ford said, “I don’t do cars.” Walt Disney said, “I don’t do mice.” Paul said, “I don’t do mission work.” Thomas Edison said, “I don’t do light bulbs.” What if Jesus said, “I don’t do crosses”? 

Just think what a different world this would be. We have been blessed all because of a few individuals who chose not to say, “I don’t,” “I won’t,” and “I can’t.”

Now then, what was it you were saying you just can’t/won’t do? Give it some thought.

Steve Higginbotham
Knoxville, TN

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