[140 words] Love is essential for one to be a Christian. So if we are to be a “good” (faithful) Christian then we must love Jesus. Jesus said that loving God with all our hearts is more important than any other commandment (Matthew 22:37-38). Yes, it’s even more important than faith (1 Cor. 13:13). Many claim to love God, but do we all really mean it? We can tell if a man loves his wife or if a wife loves her husband by what he or she does. Love listens. Love cares. Love is patient. Love gives. Love forgives. Love is kind, compassionate and rejoices in the truth. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Do we believe that? If so, we will hear,and do, what Jesus has said. James says if you believe Jesus, prove it by what you do (James 2:18). John K….