Tell the Story of True Suffering

  [319 words] A sports news network reported an NFL’s investigation showed an offensive lineman for one of the teams was harassed by one of his teammates last year. An investigation ordered by the league said it found evidence that a player had been the subject of racial slurs and bullying during his time with the football team. Accusations and the league’s investigation received national news attention for several weeks last year. Dozens of lines of newsprint and numerous television news stories covered the departure of the “victim” from the team. Jesus’ harassment and mistreatment prior to his crucifixion was much worse than anything any football player suffered. Yet, most people probably do not know very much about what happened to the Lord. During Jesus’ crucifixion, not only was there the physical pain of being nailed to a cross, but also the pain of ridicule. In one prophetic passage, King David wrote,…

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