It Makes the World Go ‘Round

  [301 words] We’re told that love is “what makes the world go ‘round.” An old song suggests, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love.” And the Bible has been promoting the same message for centuries now: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself . . . let us love one another.” (Leviticus 19:18; 1 John 4:7). But just what is love? How would you define it?  Much of modern music and media equates love with sexual gratification. Love is portrayed as primarily hormonal.  Many people think of love as an emotion, a feeling, over which they have little or no control. They see love as something to “fall into” and, hence, to “fall out of’ with the change of whim or the passing of time. To confuse matters further, consider this definition of love framed by the First International Conference of Love and Attraction: “The cognitive-affective state…

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