[243 words] On August 28, 2007, just before 11 a.m., surfer Todd Endris’ worst nightmare came true: he was attacked by a great white shark, not once, but three times! Just as all hope seemed lost, Endris was saved by a pod of bottlenose dolphins that formed a protective ring around the surfer, kept the shark at bay, and allowed him to reach shore. There a friend applied emergency first aid and saved his life. “Truly a miracle,” Endris later told a reporter. But was it a miracle? The word miracle is one of the most loosely used words in the Bible. Anything that is unusual, wonderful, or mysterious is labeled a miracle, but the Biblical definition is more precise than that. In Scripture, a miracle is a supernatural act of God done when He suspended natural law. Examples include the ten plagues on Egypt, parting the Red Sea,…