Duck Soup


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The story is told of a young man who came to the door of a monastery with a large duck in his arms. His uncle, who happened to be one of the monks, answered the knock. “Here, uncle, this is a gift for you and the others. Eat it in good health.” The uncle was very grateful, and that night, with the duck dressed and stuffed, he and the others enjoyed a generous meal.

A few days later, another knock came on the monastery door. “I am a friend of the nephew who brought you the duck. I have been down on my luck lately, and I wonder if I might impose on you for a bite to eat and a place to sleep for the night?” “Of course, my son, you are most welcome.” That night, he joined the monks for some warm duck soup.

A few days later, and still another knock. “Hi, I am a friend of the friend of the nephew who brought the duck. Could I impose on you for a bit of hospitality?” He too was welcomed…more duck soup. A few more days went by. Another knock. “Hello, I am a friend of the friend of the friend of the nephew who brought the duck.” That night at dinner he was presented with a steaming bowl of hot water. He tasted it, looked up, and asked, “What is this?” “Well, this is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck that my nephew brought.”

I cannot help but wonder if this is what has happened in much of contemporary Christianity which bears so little resemblance to the robust faith presented in the New Testament. It’s been handed down and watered down to such an extent that the original is hardly recognizable. The New Testament warns of departures from the apostolic faith and practice of original Christianity. The apostle Paul wrote that “some shall depart from the faith” (1 Timothy 4:1). He expressed a real fear that some would “be corrupted from the simplicity and purity that is in Christ” (II Corinthians 11:3). As we observe the religious landscape today, including the Christian landscape with its multiplicity of doctrines, practices, and watered down moral standards, we cannot help but wonder if much of that which is passing as Christianity is nothing more than diluted duck soup!

The famous Baptist preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon, has been described by one historian as one who stood firm against what he called “the ‘down grade’ in religion.” Were Spurgeon on the scene today, he no doubt would be appalled at the superficiality of much that is professed to be Christianity. Have we Christians allowed ourselves to gradually be desensitized by the religious pluralism, postmodernism, and political correctness of our day to the point that our religion is nothing more than a “watered down” version of the potent Christianity described in the New Testament?

If such is the case, then the plea to go back to the New Testament and do what it says to enter a right relationship with the Lord, to follow its instructions regarding worship, and to live by its standards is a valid plea and why the restoration and practice of the robust Christianity of the New Testament is so vital in our own day. Let’s not settle for “watered down” duck soup!

Hugh Fulford
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