[282 words] I hate yellow jackets. Over the years, I’ve had many encounters with them. They are aggressive, mean and they hurt everyone they touch. Have you ever been around someone who is a “fault-finder?” All they can do is point out flaws and faults in folks. They, like yellow jackets, hurt whoever they sting with their abundant criticisms. Did you know that such fault-finding is a sin — as evil as the faults that fault-finders find? Jude speaks to the sin of “fault-finding” in Jude 1:15- 16 (best read in the NIV). Jude uses pretty graphic phrases to describe these individuals. He calls them “ungodly sinners” and malcontents” (RSV). To such fault-finders, no one is good enough at work, in the family, in the neighborhood or at church. Of course, faults are easy to spot be- cause no one is perfect. All the fault-finders have to do is…