[258 words] Blessed are the husband and wife who continue to be affectionate, considerate, and loving after the wedding bells have ceased ringing (Ephesians 5:23–25). Blessed are the husband and wife who are as polite and courteous to one another as they are to their friends (Romans 12:10). Blessed are they who have a sense of humor, for this attribute will be a handy shock absorber (Proverbs 17:22). Blessed are the married couples who abstain from alcoholic beverages which wreck far more homes than recognized (Proverbs 20:1). Blessed are they who love their mates more than any other person in the world, and who joyfully fulfill their marriage vow of a lifetime of fidelity (Ecclesiastes 9:9). Blessed are those mates who never speak loudly to each other and who make their home a place “where seldom is heard a discouraging word” (1 Peter 3:1, 7). Blessed are they who…