[307 words] No one wants to be known as a fool. No one relishes the idea of being seen as someone who lacks judgment or prudence and is easily duped or swindled. Mankind has a strong desire to be seen as capable, intelligent and strong in the eyes of their peers. However, what should be of greatest importance to us is being commended by God (2 Cor. 10:18). What a life we would live if we sought to be seen as “wise” by God! The book of Proverbs was written in part to reveal to us what wisdom looks like. Part of being wise is avoiding living like a fool (adapted from Ray Deck III): A fool is easily upset. The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult (Proverbs 12:16). A fool is irrational. The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought…