The Bible and the Television

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Oh, Lord, I like to read the Bible;
Its teachings fill me with delight.
But now I’m watching television;
My favorite program’s on tonight!

I read it for my own up-building;
I need it to lead my steps aright.
Tomorrow night I’ll read a chapter,
But television’s good tonight!

No other book is like the Bible,
So free from sin’s corroding blight.
I must take time to read more often,
But television’s good tonight!

Perhaps I’ll read it just a moment
Between a wrestling match or fight.
I need more time for meditation,
But television’s good tonight!

Some nights I’m somewhat disappointed;
The picture isn’t very bright;
And then I read, just rest, or visit;
But it’s coming in just fine tonight!

That Bible slightly hurts my conscience,
Upon the shelf there in my sight.
It tells me I have been neglectful:
I’ll try to read tomorrow night!

Sometime I’ll really read the Bible:
I’ll study, too, with all my might;
Sometime, perhaps, when television
Is not so good as it is tonight.

via Curry Church of Christ
Jasper, AL

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