[387 words] In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are admonished to “pray without ceasing” to accurately depict a constant prayerful attitude, or having begun a life of prayer to continue, or both. The Bible is replete with examples of the wicked suffering punishment, but it also describes what would appear to be “good folk” just as shut out as those seeking refuge in Noah’s day after the door was shut. In Luke 13:25-28, there were people who attempted a protest of being shut out based upon familiarity. It didn’t work. In Matthew 7:22ff, people who actually carried out or at least professed to have carried good works were also denied entry. Five of the ten virgins found themselves shut out of the marriage feast because they were unprepared. The only common thread relative to these stories is the active continuation of our faith sufficient to the day in which we live….