Indictments of the Social Gospel

[269 words]

THE SOCIAL GOSPEL is a philosophy in religion that the church should concern itself with worldly problems rather than spiritual ones. It is more interested in ecology, biology, psychology and sociology than in theology. It is more concerned about preserving the whooping crane and alligator than about preaching Christ the emancipator. It spends more time fighting earthly pollution that MAY damage the body than with fighting spiritual plagues that WILL certainly damn the soul.

THE SOCIAL GOSPEL is more interested in feeding the body than in nurturing the soul. Its goal is education, not salvation; recreation, not sanctification; fraternity, instead of eternity. It concerns itself with the “new morality” rather than with immortality; birth control rather than self-control; ministering to the “inner city” rather than seeking the heavenly city; slum clearance rather than with spiritual perseverance.

THE SOCIAL GOSPEL philosophy is more interested in helping men make a living than in helping them make a life. It is more concerned with civil rights than with spiritual fights; civil laws rather than spiritual flaws; revolution rather than revelation; civil disobedience rather than spiritual obedience; communism rather than faith, repentance and baptism.

THE SOCIAL GOSPEL is a lame duck spiritually because it is without the power to fulfill the lasting needs of the human race. It preaches Christ as a great social reformer, rather than as a Spiritual Savior. It limits His work to earthly benefits for mankind; and Paul said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor. 15:19). Social “Gospelism” can only leave man spiritually naked!

James P. Needham
via University church of Christ
Aubum, AL

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