[219 words] “Think Before You Drink” is a slogan used by the government and even the CDC to encourage people to keep the effects of alcohol in mind. And why must you “think before you drink?” Well, among a few other reasons, one that clearly stands out is because you can’t think while you drink! That’s why we call it being “under the influence,” and that’s why we call it “being intoxicated.” The alcohol industry promotes its product as a peacemaker. Tell that to the thousands and thousands and thousands of people who are raped, beaten, stabbed, shot and killed on the road every single week because of someone who couldn’t think while they were drinking. The book of Proverbs speaks the truth concerning the effects of alcohol: sooner or later, it’ll get you (Proverbs 23:32). Just ask Noah, ask Lot, ask Nabal, ask Uriah, ask Benhadad, ask the destitute…