[446 words] What on earth can we do about our sin? We can lie about it, ignore it, forget about it, refuse to confess our need for it, and blame it on others, but it will remain unchanged. However, if we understand the tragedy and burden of our sin (Is. .59:2; Rom 6:23), the one thing we really want can be ours: forgiveness! Forgiveness is an intriguing power, force, blessing, and incentive. It cannot be demanded, only accepted and received. It is found in grace and cannot be bought, but it is given only because a price has already been paid. It cannot be deserved. It cannot be accomplished or achieved on our own. Forgiveness can only come from the God who willingly paid the price to give it to those who understand their need for it and humble themselves before Him to receive it: When the Pharisee who had…