Is Your Mood Harming the Church?

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Do you know what will kill the vibrancy of a local congregation quicker than anything else? It may not be what you think.

Failing to have adequate church programs may be a contributor, but that’s not the main thing.

A lack of passion in the pulpit may be a contributor, but that’s not the main thing.

Having only a small youth program, or the lack of one entirely may be a contributor, but that’s not the main thing.

I believe one of the biggest reasons why some churches go through a decline in mood and eventually numbers, is because of pessimistic and negative church members. Sometimes it exists in the leadership, and at times with the preacher, but more often than not it’s within the body of the church itself.

You’ve heard things like, “Oh, that person will never obey the Gospel.” Or, “You’ll never get them to do that job.” Perhaps it’s been said, “We’ll never have that many people show up for the event.” And you may even hear folks ask the foolish, “Why are we doing this, we’ve never done it this way before?”

This is nothing short of an attitude problem. It stifles growth, and is the exact opposite of the spirit Christ desires us to have, personally and congregationally.

I once read that if one crab tried to climb out of a bucket that was full of crabs, then the other crabs would pull him back down. Sometimes people are like that. Some people (though unintentionally) try to keep us in the bucket rather than encouraging us to shine our lights as brightly as Jesus wants us to.

Here are a couple of Bible passages that I think we’d do well to lay side by side:

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Mt. 5:16); and “Do all things without murmurings and questionings” (Phil. 2:14, ASV).

Church, let’s be optimistic about our spiritual family, our Christian life, and our work for Jesus. Let’s work together in harmony, building up the body with words of encouragement.

Neil Richey
Piedmont Road church of Christ
Piedmont, AL

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