A Vivid Memory

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The purpose of our meeting at the Lord’s Table each week is to bring to remembrance the eternal plan of God to offer His Son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In the ages before Christ’s time, God’s people had offered animal sacrifices to have their sins rolled forward, but the blood of animals could not take away their sins. This is where God’s plan came into effect. He would offer His Son as a sacrifice and His blood would be the agent to wash away all sins.

The scriptures tell us that we have to be worthy participants (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). We must prepare our minds for proper observance of this supper. We cannot enter into it lightheartedly. Do you see a still, motionless, lifeless scene, or do you see a picture of action; do you see Jesus suffering from the pain of the nails in His hands and feet; can you see Him writhing in pain? Can you see the mob milling around Him? Can you see His mother crying for her Son?

When Jesus asked us to remember this occasion, He wanted it to be meaningful to us. We can’t view the scene of Calvary carelessly and have feeling in our observance of this memorial. “This do in remembrance of Me.”

William C. Pulley
Mount Morris, MI

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